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What is social media marketing and why it matters for your business growth?
13, Apr 2021

Imagine investing more than 6 hours a day planning, tracking, and evaluating traditional ads on which you have no way of calculating the return on investment (ROI).

Imagine creating a visual or audio commercial for traditional media and not knowing who your targeted audience?

So, why are you investing on something when there is no guarantee of return?

The right way that could solve all these, is digital marketing. Most companies are selective in the marketing campaigns they invest in. When you have a small marketing budget, you must use it carefully to get the best results.

This made a lot of businesses adopt the digital way of marketing to merge with their audience.

Have you ever thought or questioned yourself why the use of the Internet is growing daily?

The answer is obvious because the availability of information is much simplified.

According to STATISTA, 59% of the world's population are using the internet. People use the internet to engage with the world through search engines, websites, and social media platforms. You must not pass up the opportunity to advertise on the digital platform.

Social media is quickly becoming one of the most important aspects of digital marketing, which provides incredible benefits that help reach millions of customers worldwide.

Social media is an online communication tool that enables people to easily share information and network with like-minded others on the Internet. It includes Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, and Twitter.

There are now more than 3.6 billion people using social networks across the globe.


social media statistics


These people are using social media to engage with brands. For example, on Instagram alone, 80 percent of people follow at least one business.

By considering this data, social media marketing for business is no longer optional. It's an essential way to reach your customers, gain valuable insights, and grow your brand.


If you’re not taking advantage of it, you’re missing out. it is a fast, inexpensive, and effective way to reach your customers.

There is confusion on what social media marketing is, other marketers think it only having a presence on their platforms.


If you have that confusion, this content is for you. Bridging Technologies is a social media marketing agency in Tanzania that can help you get rid of your confusion.

You can book a call for a free consultation:


Okay, let learn what and why social media marketing is important for your business.


What is social media marketing?

social media marketing

Social media marketing is the act of creating content to promote your business and products on various social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. (HubSpot).

This includes publishing excellent content on your page. Also listening to and engaging with your followers, and running social media advertisements.


Social media has grown into the most popular and important virtual space. Social media marketing first started with publishing. Businesses were using the platforms to push traffic to their websites and sales. However, it has progressed far beyond being a platform for content distribution.



Businesses nowadays use it in a variety of ways. A company can get insights into what people are thinking about its brand. For example, it can track social media interactions and react to specific mentions.


A business that wants to understand how it’s performing on social media would analyze its reach. The analytics tools help get insight on engagement, and sales on the platforms.


A business that wants to reach a specific set audience, can run targeted social media ads.


The power of social media marketing is in how it allows you to reach your business goals in different ways. For example, as a digital marketing agency in Tanzania, we use social media to drive quality traffic to our website.


The social media marketing strategy is different in businesses. This is due to their field and the goals of the business.


Bridging Technologies can help you in developing a social media marketing strategy for your business.


After understanding what it is, so now let us see why social media marketing is important for your business?


Why Social Media Marketing Matters to Your Business' Success?

1. Social media marketing increases sales

Increase sales

Did you know that 70% of businesses have acquired customers through Facebook only?

Being in front of the client makes them more likely to buy from you because they need the things you sell.

The power of social media marketing gives you the power to affect consumer purchasing decisions. You can affect them at several points in the sales funnel. From increasing awareness to answering customer questions and purchasing decisions.


These platforms have made it simple to introduce goods and services. The brands have different strategies that they can use to generate sales. It can be direct marketing, through influencers, social commerce, or ads.


You can make a direct sale because the company can have a huge number of followers. You can use influencers on your content to create more interest in your business or service. An influencer can play part in increasing sales.

Another way to increase sales is through social commerce. It is the use of platforms to promote and sell products and services. The entire shopping experience is taking place right on social media.

Currently, social apps that allow social commerce includes Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest. You can learn more here.

These days if you are not using social media marketing, you will be missing out on the best strategy for your brand success.

You want to know how? Contact us for a free consultation.


2. Building brand awareness



Social media proves to be a powerful tool when it comes to growing your brand awareness. People who are unaware of the business are unable to become customers.

Some businesses do not consider it as a way to build brand awareness. By doing that, they’re leaving an open ground for competitors.


This platform boosts your visibility to new consumers. It helps you to reach a larger audience with less time and effort. You have nothing to lose from setting up a business profile on one of the major social networks.


Many chief marketing officers agree that social media has an impact on brand awareness. It is estimated that 91% of marketers use social media campaigns to improve brand awareness. It also enhances customer engagement by investing a few hours per week.


Getting a social media presence for your brand would undoubtedly help your business. With consistent usage, it will also deliver many followers for your business in no time.

However, it’s easy for a consumer to become overwhelmed by social media filled with noise from companies trying to promote their brands.


How can a company stand out from a crowded space?

It is through creating relevant content. Content can differentiate you from your competitors. Content makes you a leader in the field. For example, when you want to speak about inbound methodology HubSpot is the leader in that field.


3. It allows learning about customer behavior



You need to know more about your audience to do well in a business. You’ll learn more about them through social media. Social media networks are open to all, giving businesses a chance to follow their consumers' activities or potential buyers.


It helps marketers be more informed about their target audience, likes, dislikes, and interests so that they can create a better marketing strategy to attract such customers.


All this information is obtained by interacting with your followers. You can also get a great deal of information through your analytics. For example, Facebook Insights will show you what time your audience is active, so you can post when your fans are online. It will also tell you the age, gender, and location of people who liked your page.


Analytics gives you access to see different demographics of people who visited your page. Also, what kind of content has more likes on your social media profile. This gives you a chance to see what interests your customers the most. Therefore, you can create content that can be relevant for your audience and increasing engagement on your page.


Also, a business can collect feedback, learn about consumer desires, and create ideas for new goods or services to fulfill those needs.


Customer care is almost certainly now a top priority for your company. Social media also provides a unique opportunity to boost your customer service game. This offers instant satisfaction to your target demographic and frequent customers.


You can drive real business results, by monitoring social media for customer feedback and offering a response. Businesses that engage with customer service requests via social media earn 20-40 percent more revenue per customer.

This is a win-win situation for both sides. The customer will feel like they are heard and valued, also the company will improve their relationship with the customer.


4. It builds brand reputation



Brand reputation refers to how a particular brand (whether for an individual or a company) is viewed by others. To build a strong business brand you should consider getting into social media and gaining the benefits. It is a strong way of getting your online brand out there.


Starting to post and getting the full power of the internet is challenging. Some businesses have made some blunders in trying to obtain power. In social media, you can't control what people say or do about your business, but it allows you to be proactive.

The power of social media marketing is that it allows you to control your message. You have the power to post content that builds relationships with your customers and educates them.

Content is a fantastic way to showcase the company's creativity while giving the world a new perspective on your brand.


Customers may have questions, but you can easily answer them online and turn an angry customer into a fan. It will come through to your fans if you take a thoughtful and truthful approach to your posting.


For making your brand reputation more powerful, brand loyalty and customer satisfaction both play a major role.


These can be made with communication. When consumers see your business on social media, particularly when they see you responding to their questions and sharing original content, it helps them form a good image of you.


Interacting with your clients regularly shows that you and your company care for them. When you have a few happy consumers, who are positive about their buying experience, they will be ambassadors of your product or service and do the ads for you.


Their interaction with you has an impact on how they will perceive your brand. That's how social media marketing is important for your brand.


The role of social media marketing in improving your brand reputation is through content, customer engagement, replies to comments and testimonials.

Some companies hire an in-house social media manager and others choose to outsource social media marketing services. Outsourcing has been a great strategy as the agencies have expertise in building brand reputation.

Build your brand today with Bridging Technologies.


5. It is cost-effective

cost effective


One of the challenges in marketing is budget. The budget affects a lot of marketing campaigns. When technology evolves and becomes more important, modern companies use a variety of marketing and promotional tactics to reach out to new buyers and close sales.

In many countries like Tanzania, a lot of companies are adopting the new technology which is digital marketing, but they still use more expensive traditional advertising.

Traditional advertising is expensive and ineffective in measuring the return on investing (ROI). So, social media marketing is the best way and is inexpensive.

Social media marketing has to be one of the least expensive ways of marketing your business digitally.

Most it's advertising cost are cheaper than traditional advertising, so you don’t have to spend a lot of money to reach more people, increase your audience, and grow your business.

The great part of it is that you don't have to rely on advertisements or ad tools to promote your brand. By sharing meaningful and relatable content for your followers, it can help you succeed in social media marketing.

Some businesses have spent not even a single dollar on a digital advertisement. It's just by using great content and great interaction with their audience that help them to increase sales.

This means that even though you have a small promotional budget, you can support your company on these social networking platforms, where enhanced marketing accelerates the process of digital development for your brand. This is the reason why social media marketing is important for your business.

In Tanzania we have a challenge adapting to the changes hence expertise is needed in handling the activities.

Some of the companies outsource this service to digital marketing agency.


Bridging Technologies is a digital marketing agency with experts in social media services in Tanzania. With so many different advertising tools available on these social media forums, we can help you make use of this opportunity and cost-effectively to market your product.

Get started with Bridging Technologies. Click Here


6. Increase traffic and SEO to the website


The struggle for online traffic is as old as time itself. Companies use different strategies to drive traffic to their website.

Website owners are doing everything they can to boost traffic. From creative content to Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Despite the many uncertainties about the role of social media marketing on SEO rankings, one thing is certain that referral traffic from social media is a possibility.

After publishing a piece of content on a website, you have to promote it on your platform's page. The post has a link toward the site that will generate traffic to the content.


At Bridging Technologies as a social media agency in Tanzania, we use social media to generate traffic into our website blog posts.


Your shares across social media sites have no place in SEO rankings. When more people share your content throughout, it generates signals that indicate your posts are useful to your target market.


According to Cognitive Research findings, on 23 million social media shares on selected platforms, they discovered a link between social shares and SEO. The shares, likes, and comments your posts receive are vital signals which Google and use them to rank your website.

Social media might get your website traffic, SEO is very important for achieving higher page rankings and obtaining traffic to your business website.


More than 58 percent of advertisers who have used social media for a year or longer have seen an improvement in search engine rankings.


Blogs, infographics, case reports, market statistics, and employee images can bring excitement and authenticity to the company's profile. When you start sharing good content, you'll start to create a network of people who can like and share it.


Most, it provides you with more chances to get in front of industry influencers. People who can write about your organization and refer to you. Thus, directly increasing your search engine rankings.



It is obvious that social media marketing has benefits, so if your company does not use it already, you have to build the accounts. Fill out the company's details and start posting entertaining content to start attracting followers.

The best social media marketing campaign would result in increased traffic, stronger SEO, higher retention rates, enhanced brand satisfaction, and much more.


There are almost no excuses for not incorporating social media into your marketing campaign. There is nothing to lose because it is not expensive. Don't be surprised if your competitors are on social media.

Every day, the level of competition increases. You don't have to let your competitors grab your potential customers. The sooner you begin, the quicker your company will develop.

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A content writer filled with a desire to create engaging online content for innovative brands.

We are also social