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MP Charitable Foundation Education Grant Portal


The case study sheds light on a pivotal initiative executed by Bridging Technologies Limited (BTL) in collaboration with the Punjani Charitable Trust (PCT), formerly known as the MP Charitable Foundation. PCT, a Tanzanian Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), was established with a core mission to enhance educational support and meticulously monitor the career trajectories of beneficiaries.

Amidst its dedication to complement the government's educational initiatives, PCT encountered substantial operational challenges within its manual system. The erstwhile manual processes for managing grant applications and monitoring beneficiaries' academic progress proved to be intricate and time-consuming. The existing system presented hurdles such as prolonged report generation, cumbersome paperwork, and intricate user management concerns. Consequently, the Foundation faced limitations in efficiently registering beneficiaries, managing their information, and monitoring their educational journeys.

In response to these challenges, Bridging Technologies Limited proposed a transformative digital solution. The primary objective was to develop a bespoke web-based platform tailored to streamline PCT's grant management processes. This proposed solution aimed to transcend the limitations of the previous manual system by introducing a comprehensive web application. This application was designed to efficiently store participant information, facilitate seamless online registration, streamline data management, and enable enhanced monitoring and follow-up processes.

The fundamental goal of this project was to alleviate the administrative burdens faced by PCT, empowering the organization to expedite grant application processes, seamlessly monitor beneficiary progress, and ensure more effective allocation of support.

The ensuing sections of this case study will delineate the challenges encountered by PCT, Bridging Technologies' proposed solution, the implementation strategy, anticipated outcomes, and the collaborative efforts between PCT and BTL to achieve a transformative digital solution.


Punjani Charitable Trust (PCT), previously known as MP Charitable Foundation, is a prominent Tanzanian Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) established with a pivotal mission to provide extensive educational support and oversee the career advancements of aspiring students, particularly those pursuing education in science and technology domains.

The foundation has been instrumental in supplementing the Tanzanian government's educational efforts by extending financial support to students pursuing various educational avenues within the realm of science and technology. PCT has primarily focused on aiding students in disciplines ranging from Information Security to System Administration. Their support encompasses financial aid for educational expenses and guiding beneficiaries through their academic journeys.

Challenges Faced

Despite its noble objectives, Punjani Charitable Trust encountered several challenges stemming from its reliance on a manual system:

  1. Reports Generation Delays: The manual system impeded the prompt generation of necessary reports related to beneficiary progress, financial allocations, and educational outcomes. This delay in report generation inhibited timely decision-making processes.
  2. Manual Paperwork: The foundation grappled with the inefficiencies inherent in manual paperwork. Physical forms, documentation, and data entry processes were time-consuming and prone to errors, leading to inefficiencies in managing beneficiary information.
  3. User Management Issues: The manual system faced challenges in effectively managing user information, including participant details, stakeholder registrations, data updates, and controlling roles and permissions for data access. These challenges hindered effective coordination and management of beneficiary data.

The cumbersome nature of the existing manual system significantly hampered PCT's ability to streamline grant application processes, effectively monitor beneficiary progress, and manage educational support initiatives efficiently. These challenges underscored the imperative need for a robust and efficient digital solution to modernize their operations.


Proposal Overview

Brief Description

Bridging Technologies Limited (BTL) put forth a comprehensive digital transformation solution tailored to alleviate the operational challenges faced by Punjani Charitable Trust. The proposed solution aims to transition the Foundation from its manual processes to a more efficient, web-based platform.

Objectives of the Proposed Solution:

  1. Web-Based Platform Development: BTL proposed the development of a robust web-based platform to streamline and modernize the Foundation's operations.
  2. Management of Applicants: The core objective involves creating a platform that facilitates the efficient management of applicants applying for educational grants.
  3. Progress Monitoring: The solution emphasizes the incorporation of mechanisms to monitor and track the progress of beneficiaries throughout their educational journey. 

Key Features and Functionalities:

  • Applicant Information Storage: The platform will allow comprehensive storage of applicant information, including personal details, educational background, and relevant documents.
  • Filtering and Tracking Applicants: It will enable filtering and tracking of applicants based on various criteria for easy management and decision-making.
  • Equal Access for Foundation's Team: The platform ensures direct and equitable access to the Foundation's team, allowing them to efficiently manage and oversee the application and monitoring processes.


The proposed solution involves iterative development, starting with requirement gathering and culminating in deployment, maintenance, and support. The process encompasses:

  • Requirement Collection
  • Initial Planning
  • Application Design
  • Development and Testing
  • Cloud Deployment
  • Ongoing Maintenance and Support

Scope of Implementation

The scope of the proposed solution is focused on the creation and maintenance of a comprehensive web application aligned with the Foundation's requirements.

Proposed Solution

Key Components of the Web Application:

  1. Participant Information Management: The application will serve as a centralized database to comprehensively store participant information. This includes personal details, academic backgrounds, relevant documents, and grant application history.
  2. Online Registration: To streamline the application process, the platform will offer an intuitive online registration system. Applicants can easily submit their details, educational aspirations, and requisite documents through the web interface.
  3. Data Storage and Accessibility: The platform will ensure secure data storage, allowing authorized personnel from Punjani Charitable Trust to access, review, and manage applicant information efficiently. The system will employ robust security measures to safeguard sensitive data.
  4. Follow-Up Mechanisms: The application will feature built-in follow-up mechanisms. These mechanisms will facilitate consistent communication with applicants, providing updates on application statuses, required documentation, and other pertinent information.
  5. Filtering and Sorting Functionalities: The platform will enable the Foundation's team to filter and sort applicants based on various criteria. This functionality will streamline the review process, allowing for better categorization and decision-making.

Scalability and Incremental Growth:

The proposed web application is designed with scalability and future growth in mind. Key aspects highlighting its scalability include:

  1. Modular Architecture: The system will be modular in design, allowing for the seamless addition of new features or enhancements as the Foundation's requirements evolve.
  2. Support for Incremental Updates: The platform will support incremental updates and improvements without disrupting existing functionalities. This flexibility ensures the adaptability of the system to changing needs over time.
  3. Flexible Infrastructure: The underlying infrastructure will be built to accommodate increased data storage, user traffic, and functionality expansions without compromising performance or security.
  4. Customization and Adaptability: The application will be adaptable to accommodate changes in the Foundation's processes or policies, ensuring its continued relevance and effectiveness.


Benefits and Outcomes

1. Streamlined Administrative Processes

  • Reduced Administrative Burden: Automation of grant applications, beneficiary registrations, and report generation will significantly reduce manual paperwork and administrative workload.
  • Efficient Data Management: Centralized storage of participant information will streamline data access, retrieval, and management, enabling faster decision-making.

2. Improved Efficiency and Productivity

  • Faster Report Generation: Automated reporting functionalities will lead to quicker and more accurate generation of reports, facilitating better insights into grant programs' performance.
  • Time and Resource Savings: Streamlined processes and reduced manual intervention will save time and resources, allowing staff to focus on higher-value tasks.

3. Enhanced Monitoring and Support for Beneficiaries

  • Enhanced Tracking of Beneficiary Progress: The web application will facilitate efficient monitoring of beneficiaries' educational journeys, ensuring timely support and interventions.
  • Improved Grant Management: Better management of grants and applications will result in more effective allocation and utilization of resources for beneficiaries' education.

4. Scalability and Long-term Impact

  • Scalable Solution: The application's design to accommodate incremental growth ensures adaptability to the Foundation's evolving needs and future expansions.
  • Sustainable Impact: Enhanced data analytics and insights gained from the system will aid in optimizing grant programs for maximum impact and long-term sustainability.

5. Improved Stakeholder Engagement

  • Enhanced User Experience: A user-friendly platform will improve stakeholder engagement, encouraging beneficiaries, staff, and other stakeholders to actively participate in the Foundation's programs.
  • Transparency and Accountability: Increased transparency in processes and access to real-time data will foster trust among stakeholders, promoting accountability and better collaboration.



The proposed web application by Bridging Technologies Limited (BTL) stands as a pivotal solution poised to revolutionize grant management for Punjani Charitable Trust (PCT). By addressing the Foundation's existing challenges related to manual processes, data management, and beneficiary support, this digital transformation holds immense transformative potential.

The implementation of this innovative web-based platform aligns seamlessly with PCT's commitment to supporting science and technology education in Tanzania. By providing a robust and scalable solution, PCT can transcend the limitations of its manual systems. It will usher in an era of streamlined operations, enhanced efficiency, and improved data management, empowering the Foundation to make data-driven decisions.

Furthermore, the anticipated outcomes include reduced administrative burden, quicker report generation, and improved monitoring mechanisms for beneficiaries' educational progress. This system's scalability ensures adaptability to future needs, fostering sustainability and continual growth for PCT's endeavors.

Ultimately, the web application's implementation promises to significantly augment PCT's ability to fulfill its mission of supporting students in their educational pursuits. It will strengthen stakeholder engagement, facilitate transparency, and enable the Foundation to maximize its impact in the realm of science and technology education in Tanzania.

In essence, this proposed digital transformation represents not only a technological upgrade but a catalyst for positive change, empowering Punjani Charitable Trust to advance its mission with greater efficiency, efficacy, and impact.

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