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9 ways on how to be successful in email marketing
4, Jan 2021

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Do you know companies that earn $1 billion a year will see an average gain of $700 million over three years of investing? This is by investing in customer experience only. 

Due to the growth of technology, digital marketing also growing worldwide. Many companies transform from traditional marketing to digital marketing. 76% of companies are investing in emerging technologies.

Growth of opportunities drives most digital transformation followed by increased competitive pressure. 60% of companies that have undergone the digital transformation have new business models. 

There are many online methods that marketers use to reach their customers. Common marketing channels are social media, websites and email marketing.



Do you keep your potential customers engage with your business? How do you interact with the users that show interest in your business?

You can't make a call to all and talk about new products or services. This is where email marketing plays its part in digital marketing.

What is email marketing? Email marketing is the act of sending emails to your customers. Email marketing is the best online marketing for keeping in touch with customers.

The goal is to make contact and connection with potential customers. The aim of this connection is to establish a relationship between you and customers. This makes the existing customers always engage with your business. You may learn more on How and why email marketing is important to your business.

Marketers advertise their businesses by doing marketing campaigns. The email marketing campaign includes the strategies of sending emails to the customer.

There are 3.9 billion active email users and 3.5 billion social media users worldwide. The number of social users is impressive, but it's still fewer than the number of email accounts. This makes email marketing a useful method to connect more customers at once. You may learn more on How to get started with email marketing and improve your business?


Why email marketing in today business?

  • It makes the potential customer engages with your business. Loyal customers are five times more likely to buy again. Also, four times more likely to refer the brand to family and friends.

bridging technologies email marketing

  • You first attract the viewer and turn him into a lead as he submits his email. Then this lead keeps engaging with your business. For the marketer, it is useful to have a potential customer who interacts with your brand. This increases trust, as you know in our world today trust is more important than ever. It also increases brand awareness and credibility.
  • Email marketing also increases traffic to a website. You may put the link that goes to your website as the call to action. The traffic will help your site to rank at the top and become visible in the search engine.
  • You can track the number of people who open your newsletter and those who click on the links within the email. You can also measure the number of people who share your emails with their fellows. These measurements will determine your brand reputation.
  • An effective email marketing campaign increases return on investment (ROI). As many people interact with your business, you will generate more leads. You can target those leads to turn them into customers.
  • For the customers who are not engaging with your emails, you can re-target them using offers. To make sure you don't lose any customers in your cycle. Through sending the coupons and offer emails, you can drive more sales which leads to the ROI.
  • Once many loyal customers share your emails, this enhances brand awareness without ads. Then you may learn how you can get better through email marketing.


Have you run an email marketing campaign before? Was it successful enough for you and your company? 90% of marketers use email marketing. Yet, only 58% have been successful


Do you want to know why marketers fail to do effective email marketing?

These are the ways for successful email marketing campaigns. By following these ways, you will have a blueprint of what you need to be successful in your email campaigns.


1. Know Your Goals.

Think about what you want to get from an email marketing campaign. Ask yourself what are the main purposes of your campaign. Is it for new leads, for turning the leads into customers, or for driving more sales?


bridging technologies email marketing goals

You have to set measurable goals for exact successful campaign output. You may set many goals but the major goal is to nurture a relationship with customers. 6.87% of marketers use email campaigns to nurture their audiences. 


2. Build a quality email list.

Create the opt-in form. Are the forms that you place them on the marketing channels, and convince the user to put their emails. You can call them a lead magnet. Design the opt-in form compelling it with an offer, to attract and make the user to fill the form willingly.

These forms should collect the details of the customers based on your requirements. Remember to use good language and well convincing words in the forms.

To grow the email lists, it is important to let customers provide the emails of their own will. This to ensure a high email open rate, as a customer expects to receive emails from you.

You may learn about An effective email marketing list: how to build it from website.


3. Know your audience

bridging technologies email marketing know your audience

Know your audience details, like location, languages, and their interests in your brand. All these details you can collect during the email list generation.

These data will guide you on what types of emails to use, based on their details.

This will also help you to send the personalized messages. Personalization of message is more than adding the first name of the customers, you have to know the recipients.

4. Perform list segmentation.


Group the email lists according to their interests in your industry. Also, divide them according to their journey into your website. This process is email segmentation.

Customers are not the same, they differ in their interest and their stages in the sales cycle. Segmentation helps you to customize your message based on the characters of certain group.


5. Select the tool for running your campaign.

Select the software for running your email marketing campaign. Choose the software that will simplify the work towards your defined goals. Some companies provide email marketing and bulk email services. These companies are Email Service Providers (ESP).

bridging technologies email marketing tools

  • Select the ESP that serves your goals based on your budget.
  • Check the IP address, if it is private or shared. In shared IP address means you are sharing with other companies. ESP must give you the private IP address for your emails.
  • Check the list segmentation services. This is where you can group your email list. And you can send the emails based on their likenesses. You don't segment the list by yourself the ESP should provide this service for you.
  • Does it give a free trial? Use the trial services before paying. This will help you to check if it meets your demands and if it doesn't you can cancel before payments.
  • Also, check the email automation services. Do these platforms meet your brand's email automation requirements?



6. Plan your email and follow-ups.


Know all types of email in digital marketing and their purposes. Types of emails are Sponsoring emails, newsletters, promotional emails.

Sponsoring emails is when you pay for the other company to include your emails on their website. Promotional emails are the email you send for promoting a certain offer.

To notify the customers about your brand and services you can send them newsletters. People like information, so send them concise newsletters according to the topic.

Determine the appropriate time for sending the emails to your list. This is to increase the email deliverability. People check their email outside of normal business hours. 82% of workers check email outside of normal business hours. One-third of employees say they check their business emails at least once an hour. 

You should create content that is relevant and stands out from the crowd.

The Statistic shows that customers may read your emails even if they aren't sent at common times. But also, some studies show that people open their emails most during weekends and holiday. So, you can send your emails according to your customer's behaviors.

Avoid sending many emails to the users and don't stay for too long without sending them an email. You have to balance the number of emails per month so that you do not disturb the recipient.


bridging technologies email follow-ups


7. Write a standard email copy.

Write the email copy that you are going to send to the recipients. The email copy is the body of your email, where the content belongs. Put the quality subject line and make sure the email copy is:

  • Concise, Relevant, yet engaging subject line and spot on.
  • Planned and written in the language that the recipient understands.
  • Without any grammatical or spelling errors and any broken links.


8. Understand your customer journey.

Before doing email marketing it is better to understand the stages of your buyer’s journey. The common stages of the buyer's journey are as follows.

The awareness stage is the first time where the audience interacts with your brand. Users at this stage are not going to buy anything from you. Even though you should tell them why they should stay on your list? what is in it for them?

In the awareness stage, you will tell them how are you going to help them. Some emails are welcome, educational emails, and newsletters for learning new things.

In the consideration stage, the recipients know your brand, but they are not ready to buy from you. As people have shown their interest in your business it is not a good time for you to send the welcome email. Here is when you can introduce the offer and tell them why they should consider the offer.

The decision stage is when the lead is ready to buy your products from your brand. Here you should show them that you have what they want. This is where the customer puts their payment methods and does their purchasing.

This will help you to optimize your email marketing campaign. It will give you a chance to know which kind of emails to use for retargeting your customer. Consider the quality content of each email at each stage of your buyer’s journey.

9. Test and track

Use A/B testing. This is where you design two different emails and send them to the two groups of recipients. The email with high performance based on your goals is the one to use for your email marketing.


bridging technologies email marketing track


It is good to measure your efforts and track the changes in the email marketing campaign. This is by tracking the email metrics. among of them are unsubscribing rate, Conversions rate, Click-through rate, Bounce rate.

Read more on Why performing email analytics is important in email marketing campaign

The unsubscribe rate is the number of people who unsubscribe from your email. this means they are no longer on your email list.

Conversions rate is the number of people who engage with the email and they are ready for the offer you provide.

Click-through rate is the number of people who click on the CTAs that you include in your emails. This can be a link or a button.

Bounce rate is the number of emails that are not deliverable to the email list. This can be due to the fake email list or the emails are no longer active. That is why it is important to regularly update your email lists.

These metrics act as a map for the car that carry your email marketing campaign. Interactive content causes email metrics to surge in positive way.


Things to avoid during email marketing campaigns. You may perform the best strategies of email marketing, still, it may fail. For better results of your email marketing campaign, you have to avoid:


Buying email lists

This is not a good practice of doing email marketing. You will be sending many emails to the people who are not interested in your company. This will cause a low email open rate and high email bounce rate.


Writing a poor subject line

Create an attractive and engaging subject line. Measure the words to use before sending it. The poor subject line will make the email companies and the recipients label your email as spam. This will hurt your brand reputation.


Ignoring mobile templates

As many people open their emails using mobile do not ignore mobile templates. Design the email templates that are mobile user-friendly. More people are opening their emails on mobile devices and, so, are more connected than before.


Making the email complicated

Do not make your emails complicated for the recipients to understand. Go direct to the point and be concise


bridging technologies email marketing complications


Hiding the unsubscribing button

Let the recipient decide to leave. It is better to let the customer leave in peace than to label you as spam.


Not having a clear call to action

Make the CTAs easy to find and use clear words for CTAs. Remember to repeat your CTA where it is possible. A call to action can be a link or a button.


Sending from

Sending emails from this domain decreases the email engagement. Put your CTAs then make the user feel free to interact with your email.

Optimize your email marketing campaigns to reach your goals. Don't conduct an online marketing campaign without a plan. Organize your resources and without forgetting to manage your time along with all processes.

The best outcome of email marketing is when you collaborate with other online marketing methods. Those methods are search engine optimization and social media marketing. You should also consider optimizing those methods too.

While Social media will lead to traffic, SEO will increase quality traffic. Email marketing will keep in touch with existing customers generated from the website. And once you have many customers who engage with your business, it obvious you will increase sales. Great email marketing strategy provides better relationship with the customers.



About Author

A content writer filled with a desire to create engaging online content for innovative brands.

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